Saturday, February 4, 2012


Dinner is ready.  Candles are lit.  Thankfully the main course was good because for the first time in my life dessert was a DISASTER and had to be thrown out.  But a lovely evening with lovely friends.   I think they will forgive me and maybe even come back.


  1. What happened w/ dessert? You did your homework with the tutorial :)
    I love the reflection of the candles in the wine glasses. The little points of light.

  2. Love this. I love the way the wine is "swishing". Dinner for 4 without children, we must try that someday. Though you know I can't get enough of char and annabelly

  3. Kim - have no idea what went wrong with dessert. I have made it several times before but this time it refused to cook. Finally I cut it open and it was just raw fluid at the bottom. It should have been a baked chocolate mousse tart.
    MNZ - this was a house of five adults awake and three sleeping children. plenty of wine was swished! xoxo
