Friday, October 12, 2012

Store Fronts

Obviously I wanted to get a shot of the store front that we seem to visit frequently.  I was so organized.  I got there really early so that no cars would be parked in front.  Then I bought a cookie at Copenhagen Bakery so that I could set Annabelle up on the chair and it would give me at least two minutes to figure out my shot before she decided to wander into the street.  I was so proud at this organization and then I tried to take a picture.  Lo and behold my camera battery was still at home charging... so I had to take this picture with my iphone!  Sometimes it really becomes apparent why this is called a photo challenge.


  1. Jinxy would love this and so would Jazzy.

  2. That was the first thing that came to mind Ron, the image in the window looks just like my siberian husky "Jazzy"

    The challenge is half the fun wouldn`t you say, nicely done.

    BTW "Jinxy" is my elements village username :)

    1. Ha ha I was wondering about the names!! Thanks so much for the encouragement. It has given me a much needed boost of enthusiasm for the project!

  3. My hat is off to you, I just completed my 365 for 2011 last month. LoL

    I`m glad we can do a weekly thing for next year on th "Elements village"
